network for next-gen publishing apps

network for next-gen publishing apps

network for next-gen publishing apps

network for next-gen publishing apps

network for next-gen publishing apps

Universal Player Profiles

Universal Player Profiles

Universal Player Profiles

Universal Player Profiles

Universal Player Profiles


Decentralized player network of on-chain Universal Player Profiles, that enables applications to write, read & interact with player gaming data at scale.

Decentralized player network of on-chain Universal Player Profiles, that enables applications to write, read & interact with player gaming data at scale.

Decentralized player network of on-chain Universal Player Profiles, that enables applications to write, read & interact with player gaming data at scale.

Decentralized player network of on-chain Universal Player Profiles, that enables applications to write, read & interact with player gaming data at scale.

Decentralized player network of on-chain Universal Player Profiles, that enables applications to write, read & interact with player gaming data at scale.

Universal Player Profile

Cross-game & cross-chain gaming identity that accumulates engagement data and enables players to share it in a privacy-preserving way for rewards.

Universal Player Profile

Cross-game & cross-chain gaming identity that accumulates engagement data and enables players to share it in a privacy-preserving way for rewards.

Powering publishing ecosystem

Cross-game & cross-chain gaming identity that accumulates engagement data and enables players to share it in a privacy-preserving way for rewards.

Universal Player Profile

Chain agnostic

Chain agnostic

In partnership with

In partnership with

Powered by $BLOCK

Core of the Player Network, connecting all value of exchange between games, dApps and players.


Engagement focus tools, that help solve retention for mobile games through rewarded gaming experiences.

Feedback & Testing Tools

Feedback & testing rewarded experiences, that help early stage games match target players.

User Acquisition

Alternative User Acquisition tools that offer rewarded user acquisition strategies.

Esports Identity

Gaming reputations, that are built on verified achievements from esports and gaming events.

Personalization & Monetization

Tools that offer personalised content & pricing, through Universal Player Profiles.

Bot Prevention

In the evolving world of AI, solving bot challenges by matching real, verified users with games & rewards.



Developed by

Rewarded Play

User acquisition focused application that enables rewards for players, in exchange for shared data and engagement across partner games.

User Acquisition

Alternative User Acquisition tools that offer rewarded user acquisition strategies.


Retention & engagement tooling, that deliver rewarded gaming experiences through universal player profiles.


Engagement focus tools, that help solve retention for mobile games through rewarded gaming experiences.


Engagement focus tools, that help solve retention for mobile games through rewarded gaming experiences.

Feedback & testing tools

Game early access and testing offered for targeted players.

Feedback & Testing Tools

Feedback & testing rewarded experiences, that help early stage games match target players.

Feedback & Testing Tools

Feedback & testing rewarded experiences, that help early stage games match target players.

Bot prevention

In the evolving AI world, offering bot prevention tools and self prove, for games & dApps to monetize.

Bot Prevention

In the evolving world of AI, solving bot challenges by matching real, verified users with games & rewards.

Bot Prevention

In the evolving world of AI, solving bot challenges by matching real, verified users with games & rewards.

Esports identity

Building reputations based on verified achievements from esports events, helping players to build their careers.

Esports Identity

Gaming reputations, that are built on verified achievements from esports and gaming events.

Esports Identity

Gaming reputations, that are built on verified achievements from esports and gaming events.

Personalisation & monetisation

Utilising player profiles, to offer personalised content & pricing.

Personalization & Monetization

Tools that offer personalised content & pricing, through Universal Player Profiles.

Personalization & Monetization

Tools that offer personalised content & pricing, through Universal Player Profiles.

Ecosystem of next-gen applications

Powering publishing ecosystem

Powering publishing ecosystem

In partnership with

In partnership with

In partnership with


The Player Network whitepaper explains our core mission for democratizing player data ownership, while enabling next-generation of mobile game publishing applications.