Our Mission
Unlock new
UA channels
for mobile games
The BlockGames network enables apps and communities to connect as User Acquisition (UA) channels, and monetize their audiences via rewards. Whilst, mobile game publishers execute hyper-targeted campaigns, utilising anonymised player data that powers the BlockGames network.
User Acquisition Channels
Any application or community connects as a User Acquisition channel to the growing BlockGames network and monetizes their audience.
Super-Targeted User Acquisition
Game publishers run high-precision user acquisition campaigns for their web2 & web3 mobile games, utilising available player data.
Player Data Layer
Players store, share, and manage their gaming data anonymously using blockchain, through the Player Data Layer that is available to the whole BlockGames network.
The Challenge
Broken User Acquisition model for mobile games
Evolving privacy policies at Apple & Google have made marketing campaigns opaque, reducing visibility and negatively impacting user acquisition in a $120bn+ in-game value generated market opportunity.
There are no established user acquisition channels or ad networks to identify and attract high-value Web3 players to relevant mobile games, in a rapidly growing market.
The Solution
A network where anyone can monetize their audience as a User Acquisition channel
Loyalty & Gift Card Reward Apps
BlockGames applications that reward users for mobile game playtime, in-game achievements, or sharing data.
Third-Party Apps
Any application that embeds Monetize SDK to monetize their audience with mobile game playtime and in-game achievements.
Discord servers, Telegram channels, subreddits, influencer followers, and other communities engage their members through rewarded leaderboard competitions via mobile games.